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Social Snouts: Puppy Edition

June 18, 2024

The joy experienced after bringing a new puppy into your home is truly special, especially when you see the boundless enthusiasm they bring to every moment. As puppy parents, we want our furry companions to grow into well-adjusted, friendly, adaptable adults.


Outdoor Spring Activities for Your Pup

April 22, 2024

With the arrival of spring, nature begins to wake up from its winter snooze. What better way to celebrate the season of renewal than by embarking on outdoor adventures with your playful puppy from Summit Zoo? Grab a leash, pack some treats, and get ready to make unforgettable memories with your energetic bundle of joy this spring!


Safe and Sound: Puppy-Proofing Your Outdoor Oasis

April 04, 2024

Spring is the perfect time to think about refreshing our living spaces—both indoors and out. Whether you're already enjoying the company of a playful puppy bouncing around or are in the process of bringing a new puppy home, securing your yard for their safety becomes a top priority.


Bath Time Fun: Puppy Edition

March 26, 2024

Puppies, much like human babies, require gentle care and patience, especially when it's time for a clean-up. However, with the right tools and a bit of know-how, bath time can become a stress-free bonding activity for you and your furry friend.


Puppy Leash Training Tips

March 14, 2024

Bringing home a new puppy is a thrilling adventure filled with cuddles, playtime, and countless chances to learn and grow together. It’s also a time to set your new pup from Summit Zoo up for a lifetime of success by teaching them the skills they need to thrive.


Paws & Prevent: Puppy Vaccines

February 29, 2024

Bringing a new puppy into your home is the start of an amazing adventure, packed with fun, friendship, and endless special moments. But in the whirlwind of playtime and cuddles, don't forget about keeping your fluffy buddy healthy — and that's where pet vaccinations come into the picture.


A Valentine's Day Special for Puppies

February 14, 2024

At Summit Zoo, we believe that Valentine's Day isn't just for humans; it's the perfect occasion to shower love and affection on your furry friend. If you're a proud puppy parent or are planning to become one soon, rest assured that we are here to help make this Valentine's Day special for you and your canine companion.