Summer Fun: Puppy Edition

Summer Fun: Puppy Edition

Take advantage of the warm weather and engage your pup in water-based activities. Fun activities such as setting up a shallow kiddie pool in your backyard or heading to a nearby dog-friendly beach or lake are sure to keep your pup cool and engaged. Also, most pups love running through the sprinklers and chasing the water jets. It's a simple and enjoyable way for them to cool down and have a blast. Remember to always supervise your puppy while playing in the water and provide plenty of fresh drinking water to keep them hydrated.

Explore nature together by hiking or walking in dog-friendly parks or trails. Before heading out, check the pavement temperature by placing your hand on it for a few seconds. It's too hot for your pup's paws if it feels hot to the touch. To avoid the hottest parts of the day, plan your walks for the early morning or late evening when temperatures are generally lower. Be sure to pack a collapsible bowl to provide regular water breaks, and don’t forget waste bags.

You could also play a game of hide-and-seek indoors with your pup. Hide and call their name, encouraging them to find you. This mentally stimulating game will keep them entertained and engaged while staying cool indoors.
The caring staff at Summit Zoo hopes that you and your puppy can enjoy some of these fun summertime activities. Whether it's splashing in the water, enjoying frozen treats poolside, engaging in indoor games, or venturing out during cooler hours, these activities are sure to keep your pup happy and cool.